Cooley M&A Insight From Q1 2019
Our news
Ellie Mae to Sell to Thoma Bravo for $3.7 Billion
Chrome River, Certify Merge in Deal Valued at $1+ Billion
Dropbox Acquires HelloSign for $230 Million
Gray Television Acquires United Communications
BioTime Acquires Asterias, Creating Leading Cell Therapy Company
M&A blog: Q1 2019 recap
Dual-Track Processes: How to Turbocharge Your Exit
Exiting an investment is an inherently uncertain process. Even for a thriving business with a viable equity story, committed stakeholders and the right advisers, the final deal terms and valuation are typically guided by factors beyond a company's control.
Antitrust Trends in 2019: Enforcement Watch List for the Year to Come
As 2019 kicks off, the Cooley antitrust group highlights 10 recent developments and trends corporate counsel should be aware of – from the US Supreme Court and lower courts, the Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission and enforcers around the world – that are likely to impact businesses this year and beyond.
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