Press Release

2013 Chambers USA Recognizes 52 Cooley Attorneys and 22 Practice Areas

June 6, 2013

Palo Alto, Calif. – June 6, 2013 – Cooley LLP announced today that 52 Cooley attorneys were recognized as leaders in their respective fields by the 2013 edition of Chambers USA: America's Leading Lawyers for Business. Thirteen attorneys received one or more #1 rankings. Five Cooley practices received a #1 ranking, with 22 overall recognized as leading practices either nationally or regionally.

The following is a complete list of Cooley's Chambers USA rankings for 2013.

Leading Practices

* Denotes Band 1 ranking

Nationwide Intellectual Property
Investment Funds: Venture Capital*
Life Sciences*
Projects: Renewables & Alternative Energy
California Capital Markets: Debt & Equity
Corporate/M&A: Northern California
Corporate/M&A: Venture Capital*
Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation
Intellectual Property
IT & Outsourcing
Life Sciences*
Litigation: General Commercial
Colorado Corporate/M&A
Intellectual Property
District of Columbia Corporate/M&A & Private Equity
Massachusetts Private Equity: Venture Capital Investment
New York Litigation: General Commercial: Highly Regarded
Litigation: White-Collar Crime & Government Investigations
Virginia Corporate/M&A: Northern Virginia
Intellectual Property: Northern Virginia
Real Estate: Northern Virginia*
Washington Corporate/Commercial

Ranked Practitioners

* Denotes Band 1 ranking

R. Thomas Amis
Projects: Renewables & Alt. Energy (Nationwide)*
Jonathan Bach Litigation: White-Collar Crime & Government Investigations (New York)
Celia Goldwag Barenholtz Litigation: General Commercial (New York)
Barbara L. Borden Corporate/M&A: Southern California (California)
James P. Brogan Intellectual Property (Colorado)*
Antonio Calabrese
(Star Individual)
Real Estate: Zoning/Land Use: Northern Virginia (Virginia)
L. Kay Chandler Life Sciences: Corporate/Commercial (California)
Carolyn L. Craig IT & Outsourcing (California)
Craig E. Dauchy Investment Funds: Venture Capital (Nationwide)*
Corporate/M&A: Venture Capital (California)*
John Dwyer Litigation: General Commercial (California)
Litigation: Securities (California)
Sonya Erickson Corporate/Commercial (Washington)
Lester J. Fagen Private Equity: Venture Capital Investment (Massachusetts)
Thomas J. Friel, Jr. Intellectual Property: Patent (California)
Stephen D. Gardner Tax: Controversy (Nationwide)*
Wendy Goldstein Healthcare (New York)
Eric Jensen Investment Funds: Venture Capital (Nationwide)
Capital Markets: Debt & Equity (California)
Corporate/M&A: Venture Capital (California)
Robert Jones Life Sciences: Corporate/Commercial (Nationwide)*
Life Sciences: Corporate/Commercial (California)*
Barclay Kamb Life Sciences: Corporate/Commercial (California)
Barbara Kosacz Life Sciences: Corporate/Commercial (Nationwide)*
Life Sciences: Corporate/Commercial (California)*
Investment Funds: Venture Capital (Nationwide)
John G. Lavoie Real Estate: Northern Virginia (Virginia)*
Alan Levine Litigation: General Commercial (New York)
Betsy Lewis Labor & Employment (Virginia)
Michael Lincoln Corporate/M&A: Northern Virginia (Virginia)*
Corporate/M&A & Private Equity (District of Columbia)
James Linfield Corporate/M&A (Colorado)*
Douglas P. Lobel Litigation: General Commercial (Virginia)
Mark Looney Real Estate: Zoning/Land Use: Northern Virginia (Virginia)
Andrew Lustig Corporate/M&A: Northern Virginia (Virginia)
Patrick Mitchell Private Equity: Venture Capital Investment (Massachusetts)
Howard Morse Antitrust (District of Columbia)
Fred Muto Life Sciences: Corporate/Commercial (California)*
Capital Markets: Debt & Equity (California)
Corporate/M&A: Venture Capital (California)
Investment Funds: Venture Capital (Nationwide)
Life Sciences: Corporate/Commercial (Nationwide)
Stephen C. Neal Litigation: Trial Lawyers (Nationwide)*
Litigation: General Commercial (California)*
Litigation: Securities (California)
Kathleen Pakenham Tax: Controversy (Nationwide)
Nikesh R. Patel Projects: Renewables & Alternative Energy (Nationwide)
Anne Peck Intellectual Property: Trademark, Copyright & Trade Secrets (California)
Frank Pietrantonio Intellectual Property: Northern Virginia (Virginia)
Michael L. Platt Corporate/M&A (Colorado)
Michael G. Rhodes Intellectual Property: Patent (California)
Litigation: General Commercial (California)
John W. Robertson Corporate/Commercial (Washington)
Marc Schildkraut Antitrust (District of Columbia)
William J. Schwartz Litigation: White Collar Crime & Government Investigations (New York)
Brent Siler Corporate/M&A: Northern Virginia (Virginia)
Myron G. Sugarman Wealth Management: Western Region (Nationwide)
Scott Talbot Intellectual Property: Northern Virginia (Virginia)
Mark Tanoury Investment Funds: Venture Capital (Nationwide)*
Corporate/M&A: Venture Capital (California)*
Francis R. Wheeler Corporate/M&A (Colorado)*

Up and Comers

Brent Fassett Corporate/M&A (Colorado)
Colleen Gillis Snow Real Estate: Zoning/Land Use: Northern Virginia (Northern Virginia)

Senior Statesmen

Michael Stern IT & Outsourcing (California)
Diane Savage IT & Outsourcing (California)

About Cooley LLP

Cooley's 700 attorneys have an entrepreneurial spirit and deep, substantive experience, and are committed to solving clients' most challenging legal matters. From small companies with big ideas to international enterprises with diverse legal needs, Cooley has the breadth of legal resources to enable companies of all sizes to seize opportunities in today's global marketplace. The firm represents clients across a broad array of dynamic industry sectors, including technology, life sciences, health care, venture capital, clean energy, real estate and retail.

The firm has full-service offices in eleven major business and technology centers: Boston, MA; Broomfield, CO; Los Angeles, CA; New York, NY; Palo Alto, CA; Reston, VA; San Diego, CA; San Francisco, CA; Seattle, WA; Washington, DC; and Shanghai, China.

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