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Comp Talks Series

Director Compensation

February 21, 2024
Event details
February 21, 2024
10:00 – 11:00 am Pacific Standard Time

Event summary

This monthly series features interactive sessions designed to update company decisionmakers about recent events in the executive compensation and employee benefits arena and prepare them for potential upcoming compensation-related hurdles.

We explored the latest developments surrounding the director compensation-setting process for public companies’ boards, including policy and design considerations, as well as the recent landscape of related litigation claims. From adverse shareholder action to high-profile directors’ bespoke compensation expectations, companies in the last few years have had to carefully consider the benefits and pitfalls of adopting formula-driven director compensation programs or continuing to rely on compensation limits (with or without modifications, in light of recent developments).

During this session, Cooley partners Alessandra Murata,Peter Adams and Ariane Andrade discussed various aspects of designing and implementing director compensation, including recent market trends, mitigating litigation risk, scope of policy-setting, practical considerations, and building in flexibility for the unexpected.

View on demand

Key takeaways

2023 – 2024 sessions

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