Cooley Celebrated at The Recorder’s California Legal Awards
San Francisco – November 9, 2022 – Cooley and multiple firm attorneys were recently honored by The Recorder at its annual California Legal Awards.
Cooley partner Calise Cheng was named Attorney of the Year – the publication’s premier individual award. In a published profile, Cheng was praised by a client who noted: “Calise is an expert in her field. She is creative, strategic, and flexible in her approach, a trusted advisor, and finely attuned to her clients’ needs. She sees around corners and inspires confidence. On top of all that, she is a joy to work with.”
The publication also named partners Jamie Leigh and Christa Anderson among the Women Leaders in Tech Law. Additionally, the firm received The Recorder’s inaugural On the Radar – Litigation award in the consumer class action defense category.
In her published Q&A, Leigh provided guidance to women getting started in tech law: “Success in any endeavor comes from sustained vision. Setbacks can and will happen, that’s normal and to be embraced for the learnings and humility those moments afford. Try to find confidence each day in your vision, voice and presence. Leverage your energy in specific ways that get you closer to your vision – one step at a time.”
Anderson also offered advice to women getting started in tech law in her published Q&A: “There is still a lot of work left to do to ensure that the tech law industry is fully diverse/equitably balanced. My advice? Don’t be dissuaded by this lack of diversity; be motivated by it to participate and change things. Jump into the field and help make things better for the younger women following you. It’s a fascinating area of the law.”
Read the full event summary (subscription required)
The annual awards series celebrates the achievements of lawyers and companies at the forefront of technology, innovation and the legal profession as a whole.
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