Roadmap for an IPO: Preparing for the Market Return
Event summary
As the end of 2022 approaches, we have witnessed the longest initial public offering drought in the past decade – and a massive shift from the IPO and SPAC volumes we experienced in 2020 and 2021.
Many companies that were or are considering a public offering are asking questions such as: “When will the market return?” “What does it take to go public in this market?” “What should I be doing as I await the market’s return?”
If you’re considering a public offering, capitalize on the current landscape and build a foundation for long-term growth by being prepared when the market reopens.
In this 60-minute webcast, we hear from private equity and venture capital investors, company executives, and advisers on:
- When they anticipate the IPO window will reopen and other trends in the market place
- The level of preparation necessary to go public and be a public company
- How your team can take advantage of this time and be prepared when the market returns
Presented in collaboration with PwC.
Cooley partner Eric Jensen joined a panel of PE and VC investors, company executives, and advisers to discuss preparing for an IPO as the markets begin to open back up.
For more information, please email Kelsey O’Connell.
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