Cooley China Fund Manager Workshops Shanghai 2019
Event summary
Join us for the 10th annual seminar series aimed at managing directors, CFOs and in-house counsel of venture capital and private equity firms doing business in China. A team of senior Cooley lawyers specializing in fund formation and investment matters will address current commercial and legal issues facing China funds.
This event is complimentary to attend and includes all training sessions, a luncheon following the event and plenty of time to network with fellow professionals, lawyers from Cooley and our co-sponsors. In order to encourage participation and time for questions, these sessions are limited in size. Please register using the buttons above at your earliest convenience.
Selected topics
- Ten Years of Good Times: Fund raising strategy in 2019
- Help Me Sell This Thing: A synopsis of placement agent terms and use strategy
- Time to Grow Up: Succession planning for China fund managers
- Forewarned is Forearmed: Hidden traps even unicorn investors fall into
- Walk Me Through Saying Goodbye: A case study of handling an MD termination
Workshops are free of charge and by invitation only.
Event and registration questions
Heather Slavey
+1 858 550 6248
Related contacts
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