Axios’ Dealmakers Series: The 2024 Economic Forecast
Event summary
On December 12, 2023, Cooley partner Div Gupta appeared on Axios’ Dealmakers: The 2024 Economic Forecast virtual event. During the “View From the Top” segment, Gupta spoke with Fabricio Drumond, chief business officer at Axios, about the capital markets landscape as we enter 2024. Gupta also looked back at 2023 trends in capital markets activity, which experienced some thawing relative to 2022 despite a turbulent year, and discussed reasons for optimism as we enter 2024 – including the Federal Reserve backing off of interest rate hikes, which should spur investment activity.
Gupta also highlighted trends in IPO activity, noting the high bar for executing an IPO and the need for insider investor support, which he expects to continue into 2024. He provided deeper insight into the healthcare and life sciences sector, which saw higher deal activity in 2023 compared with other industries. Gupta observed that healthcare and life sciences companies that went public tended to be later stage with strong clinical data, and that there was particularly strong investor interest in the inflammation and immunology (I&I) sector, which he believes will continue due to the high volume of high-value sales of I&I companies in 2023.
Axios also featured highlights from the segment in an article about the 2024 forecast for capital markets. Read the full article
Axios hosted an event on the 2024 economic forecast featuring Cooley partner Div Gupta.
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