2023 Proxy Disclosure & 20th Annual Executive Compensation Conferences
Event summary
We joined TheCorporateCounsel.net and CompensationStandards.com for the 2023 Proxy Disclosure & 20th Annual Executive Compensation Conferences. Held fully virtually, the conferences featured engaging sessions full of essential and practical guidance, direct from the experts, on how to anticipate critical issues and use the annual reporting season to your advantage.
Featured agenda items
Thursday, September 21st • 10:00 am – 10:40 am
Shareholder Proposals: Finding Success in a Challenging Environment
Companies of all sizes have been forced to grapple with record numbers of shareholder proposals in recent years – not just being submitted but going to a vote. Because high investor support for shareholder proposals can also signal board weaknesses that result in hedge fund activism in future years, it’s essential to implement a playbook to protect your board in this new environment. Hear what steps you can take to avoid being a “target” for proposals, tips for negotiating with proponents and engaging with other shareholders, and disclosure “do’s” & “don’ts” – including how to craft effective statements in opposition. Cooley special counsel Reid Hooper participated as a panelist.
Thursday, September 21st • 2:40 pm – 3:20 pm
Cyber Risk Disclosures: Key Action Items
The SEC’s final cybersecurity rules will require new real-time and periodic reporting – and most companies need to start complying later this year. Hear whether the rules will require you to change the way you analyze cybersecurity incidents, what you will need to disclose about cyber risk oversight and material incidents, recommended governance and process improvements, and how corporate secretaries and GCs can best work with experts and across departments to protect sensitive information before and after an incident. Cooley partner Brad Goldberg participated as a panelist.
For more information, please email Brianna Vega.
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