Setting Up Pay Equity and Transparency Programs for Scale
Event summary
With the rapid growth in pay transparency laws and a heightened focus on pay equity, implementing short-term, point solutions is unsustainable. From understanding legal requirements to empowering managers to have impactful compensation conversations, there are numerous challenges that people leaders must now plan for. To thrive in this environment, leaders need to build roadmaps that address both short-term issues and long-term changes.
Join presenters from Cooley, Alpine Rewards and Assemble, as they discuss:
- Why creating a strong compensation foundation is critical for future scale.
- How market dynamics will impact pay equity and pay transparency over the coming years.
- What people leaders can do today to set their organization up for success tomorrow.
Cooley associate Eileen Leman is a featured speaker on the panel.
For more information, please email Marissa Pilconis.
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