2023 TechGC IPO Forum:
Being & Becoming a Public Company GC
Brooklyn, NY 11249
Event summary
TechGC’s annual IPO forum brought together 150+ general counsels and industry leaders for one of the biggest IPO conferences for tech companies. The conference focused on being and becoming a public company general counsel (GC) and featured dual-track breakout sessions for both pre-IPO and public company GCs.
Cooley is a national sponsor of TechGC, a networking organization and platform for GCs and deputy GCs of high-growth technology companies and venture capital funds.
Featured agenda items
Wednesday, September 13, 2023 | 10:45 amPricing Night: What to Expect When You’re Expecting
Cooley partner Dave Peinsipp was a featured speaker on this panel.
This session explored what it means to “price” an IPO, what the pricing process looks like, who is involved and how GCs can add value in these critical conversations.
Wednesday, September 13, 2023 | 3:05 – 3:55 pm
Preparing Your Company for the Public Stage
Cooley partner Jean Park was a featured speaker on this panel.
This session delved into the key considerations and challenges faced by GCs in the transition from a private to a public company.
For more information, please email Andrew Gentilucci.
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