ABA 2023 White Collar Crime National Institute
Event summary
Cooley was proud to sponsor the American Bar Association’s 38th White Collar Crime National Institute, which presented outstanding panelists with specialized insight into some of the most significant issues of our time.
This institute historically has been attended by top federal and state judges and prosecutors, law enforcement officials, defense attorneys, corporate in-house counsel and members of the academic community. The faculty regularly includes some of the top members of the white collar bar in the US and abroad. Among the audience are nationally renowned lawyers and many who are beginning to concentrate in the white collar area.
As in previous years, the institute program brought valuable updates on new developments and strategies in white collar criminal law, along with an opportunity to meet colleagues in the field, renew acquaintances and exchange ideas. The institute featured significant representation from the corporate sector and the federal judiciary, as well as leadership from the Department of Justice.
For more information, please email Amanda Meier.
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