
2-Day Webinar Event

Whistleblowing in the US, UK and EU: Is Your Organization Ready to Comply with the New Whistleblowing Rules?

June 8 – 9, 2022
Event details
June 8 – 9, 2022
12:00 – 12:00 am Romance Standard Time

Event summary

Cooley lawyers Ann Bevitt and Shamis Beckley are featured speakers at this event, in a session which will compare and contrast US and UK whistleblowing regimes.

Other sessions will provide insights from leading European and international employment and data protection lawyers in France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Ireland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia for setting up a compliant cross-border whistleblowing system under the new EU Whistleblower Directive.

Join part or all of this webinar series over 2 days, to improve whistleblowing management in your organization and get practical answers to the following questions:

  • What does the EU Whistleblower Protection Directive mean for my organisation?
  • How to assess the GDPR compliance under the EU Directive and the EU member states’ legislations?
  • How to deal with a whistleblowing complaint?
  • Who is protected by the EU directive and the EU member states’ legislations, and how ?
  • What steps should I take to ensure my business is compliant?
  • What are the key requirements to be aware of?

Day 1 – Details and registration

Day 2 – Details and registration

For more information, please email Nastasia Humbert.

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