Retail Industry Leaders Association’s Retail Law Conference 2020
Event summary
Cooley is sponsoring the Retail Industry Leaders Association’s (RILA) Retail Law Conference, an annual meeting which attracts top general counsel and other in-house lawyers from leading US retailers. This three-day conference provides a space to network with senior retail corporate counsel, elite outside counsel and identifies insightful ideas to enhance the goals of leading retail legal departments.
Featured agenda items
Tuesday, October 20, 2:30 – 3:20 pm EDT Retail Roundtable: “Care & Feeding” of Remote Teams
Cooley lawyer Ann Bevitt will moderate this session.
This roundtable will explore some of the issues facing HR departments across the retail industry as they navigate the challenges around onboarding new employees, checking in with teams and finding ways to stay connected.
Thursday, October 22, 1:30 – 2:30 pm EDT International Compliance and Recall Trends for Consumer Products
Cooley lawyers Rod Freeman and Matt Howsare are featured speakers.
This session will focus on how multinational and U.S. consumer product retailers can execute single and multi-country consumer product recalls and stay on top of new compliance and enforcement trends.
Event details and registration
For more information, please email Deborah Argueta.
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