
Recorded webinar

Proxy Season in Uncertain Times: Tips, Tools, and Strategies to Manage the 2020 Proxy Season and ESG Issues

April 16, 2020
Event details
April 16, 2020
12:00 am

Event summary

View a recording of this event

Cooley lawyer Erin Kravitz, Brian Valerio of Alliance Advisors and Robert Main of Sustainable Governance Partners will lead a fast-paced 30-minute webcast that will help issuers navigate the corporate governance issues that matter to investors for the 2020 proxy season.

Topics include

• COVID-19’s impact on 2020 proxy season
• Board’s role during the crisis
• Proxy voting and shareholder engagement
• Virtual shareholders meetings
• ESG for 2020 proxy season and beyond

For more information, please email Meghan Flake

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