The American Law Institute CLE Program – ALI Executive Compensation 2019: Strategy, Design and Implementation
Event summary
Explore the biggest issues in executive and director compensation at this annual advanced program. This year the authoritative faculty of current and former key government, business, legal and technical leaders will examine the most salient executive compensation issues. Topics include the prospects for use of digital assets as compensation; whether (and when) the SEC is likely to complete its Dodd-Frank Act compensation-related rulemaking and the growing influence of institutional investors on executive pay and disclosure issues. Also hear practical and up-to-the-minute analysis of todays’ key regulatory issues and other problematic points including:
- The ongoing challenges of dealing with Section 162(m)
- Section 83(i) and its impact on private company equity awards
- Structuring compensation for pass-through entities under Section 199A
- The ongoing saga of director pay litigation in Delaware
- Blockchain and using digital assets as compensation
- Transitioning your compensation program to public company status
- MeToo, reputational clawbacks and executive pay
- A proxy season “post mortem,” including the second round of pay ratio
- Navigating your employee stock plan through the Institutional shareholder services (ISS) gauntlet
- Advising tax exempt entities on Section 4960
- A pragmatic look at difficult compensation disclosure questions
Event details and registration
Enter discount code ALIFAC19 to save 50% off in-person attendance or webcast registration fees
Featured agenda item
Friday, June 21
3:45 pm: Tackling Difficult Disclosure Questions
Cooley partner Amy Wood is a featured speaker.
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