Insurtech in the US, Bermuda and beyond
Event summary
We would like to invite you to join us to learn about Insurtech in the US, Bermuda and beyond.
Hosted in the Lloyd's Lab, Cooley lawyers Heidi Lawson and Greg Hoffnagle will provide an overview on the latest trends in Insurtech and how these are shaping the world of insurance both from a business perspective and legally.
The presentation will cover three topics of discussion:
Topic 1
Trends in Insurtech to date and what to look for in 2019
Who is investing in this space and why, what areas of insurance are considered 'hot', and what areas are still ripe for disruption?
Topic 2
What seems to be working in Insurtech and what isn’t
There are a number of Insurtechs that have already failed. Who failed? Who is headed towards unicorn status? Is Bermuda, London or Europe considered the next step for many US startups (and vice versa)?
Topic 3
Emerging risks for underwriters backing new insurance technology
What are the ethics behind using new sources of data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in insurance from a regulatory perspective and what questions should insurers be asking Insurtechs who approach them for support of their new products?
This will be followed by a Q&A session
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