In Person

ACC Brown Bag co-hosted by Sun Law – Diversity in the Boardroom: Trends, Obstacles and Why It Matters

July 12, 2018
Event details
July 12, 2018
11:30 am
San Diego, CA

Event summary

Diversity is center stage these days, for companies of all sizes, across all industries. Not surprisingly, board diversity is becoming increasingly important to institutional investors and proxy advisory firms. Ignoring the issue can lead to votes against directors, negative publicity, shareholder proposals and shareholder scrutiny of board refreshment practices. Institutional investors are affecting change, and 150+ companies have added women directors since State Street Global Advisors placed the “Fearless Girl” statue in Manhattan in an effort to increase the number of women on corporate boards. Join our experienced practitioners as we review the implications for board diversity and what you can do to ensure your organization is prepared for shareholder engagement. 
Amy Wood – Partner, Cooley
Megan Arthur Schilling – Partner, Cooley

CA CLE Credit
1 hour of general credit will be provided by ACC.


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