Cooley Honored With Excellence in Pro Bono Award by The Law Society
London – October 22, 2021 – Alongside a coalition, Cooley has been honored with the Excellence in Pro Bono award as part of The Law Society’s annual Law Society Awards, which recognize legal organizations, teams and individuals for their outstanding work.
In a collaboration between Asylum Aid and 11 other law firms, Cooley combined its skill and resources to provide pro bono assistance to The Statelessness Project to help combat statelessness within the UK, creating lasting and dramatic change in an area of significant public importance.
Launched in 2018, The Statelessness Project is comprised of volunteer lawyers who provide pro bono legal support to take on statelessness cases to ensure those affected can achieve settled status in the UK. To date, the project has taken on 45 matters and helped 13 clients obtain recognition as stateless or other permanent status.
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