Cooley Jumps to #6 on BTI’s Brand Elite List
Palo Alto – May 18, 2018 – BTI Consulting Group has ranked Cooley #6 on its Brand Elite list, one spot up from its #7 ranking for 2017.
BTI’s analysis measures top-of-mind recognition of 334 law firms based on unbiased, direct feedback from 686 in-depth interviews with corporate counsel at the world’s largest organizations. During the course of one-on-one interviews, BTI probed clients as to which law firms they associate with nine distinct characteristics driving selection, consideration and hiring.
Cooley is consistently recognized on BTI’s annual reports. In March, BTI honored five Cooley partners for superior client service, and this past December, BTI ranked Cooley top five on its Client Service A-Team 30 report.
About Cooley LLP
Clients partner with Cooley on transformative deals, complex IP and regulatory matters, and high-stakes litigation, where innovation meets the law.
Cooley has 900+ lawyers across 13 offices in the United States, China and Europe.
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