ALM Intelligence: Q&A with Cooley LLP CEO Joe Conroy
"The firm today known as Cooley LLP is renowned for its representation of clients in technology and life sciences. Yes, that includes eBay, Facebook, and Google, but it extends back to the formation of National Semiconductor in the 1950s. If it had remained a niche firm, however, Cooley might not have survived the burst of the first tech bubble or the Great Recession. Instead, for the better part of the past two decades, Cooley has steadily grown and diversified. It has leveraged a couple of key mergers and embarked upon organic expansion that now has it positioned on both coasts in the U.S., plus Europe and Asia. For many firms, wrenching dislocation might have attended such transformation. But by most accounts Cooley has thrived, not just survived, and its culture is reputedly a big reason why. Indeed, the firm was tops among the six Big Law players that made the most recent Fortune 100 Best Places to Work list, clocking in at #28. CEO Joe Conroy, who has helped steer the firm throughout the metamorphosis, recently sat down in his New York office with ALM Director of Legal Intelligence Dirk Olin to share his thoughts on leading the far-flung enterprise through fast-changing times."
Read the Q&A here.
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