Cooley Helping National Rights Organizations Target "Conversion Therapy"
Cooley is advising the Human Rights Campaign, the National Center for Lesbian Rights and the Southern Poverty Law Center in a federal consumer fraud complaint against People Can Change (PCC), an organization that claims it can change an individual's sexual orientation or gender identity.
Cooley Mentions:
"An Obscure Law and a Novel Complaint May Finally Kill LGBT Conversion Therapy," The Am Law Litigation Daily (Subscription required)
"New effort seeks to shut down 'ex-gay' group as fraud," Washington Blade
"National Orgs Target "Conversion Therapy" Quacks with Historic Federal Consumer Fraud Complaint," Human Rights Campaign
"SPLC, others file federal consumer fraud complaint against conversion therapy group," Southern Poverty Law Center
"Civil rights groups file complaint against gay conversion therapy program,"
Other Coverage:
"Groundbreaking Complaint Asks FTC to Ban Conversion Therapy," Advocate
"'Gay-conversion therapy' faces new legal challenge in Virginia," The Guardian
"Gay Conversion Therapy Group Targeted In Historic Consumer Fraud Complaint," Huffington Post
"LGBT Organizations Target Prominent Gay Conversion Therapy Group," Out
"LGBT groups file consumer fraud complaint against conversion therapists," Metro Weekly
"Historic Complaint Filed Asking FTC to Declare 'Ex-Gay' Therapy Consumer Fraud," The New Civil Rights Movement
"Gay 'cure' group faces consumer fraud complaint from rights coalition," PinkNews
"Groups File Consumer Fraud Complaint Against Gay "Conversion" Therapy,"
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