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Cooley Rx Series

Navigating Regulatory Risks in Mergers and Acquisitions: Trends and Insights for Dealmakers

April 16, 2024
Event details
April 16, 2024
10:00 – 10:45 am Pacific Standard Time

Event summary

Cooley Rx is a virtual series focused on the life sciences and healthcare sectors. We discuss the top issues and trends in these industries – and provide decision-makers with information they can use to strengthen their organizations.

Navigating Regulatory Risks in Mergers and Acquisitions: Trends and Insights for Dealmakers

Practitioners from Cooley’s antitrust and M&A teams delved into the trends and complexities of regulatory risks in mergers and acquisitions in today’s shifting landscape. In this webinar, Cooley antitrust partner Megan Browdie and M&A partner Rowook Park explained how the continued evolution of US antitrust enforcement impacts deal timelines and strategies.

During this webinar, the speakers shared valuable insights to help participants successfully navigate regulatory hurdles, provided practical tips for M&A negotiations, and highlighted provisions that have been used to manage the heightened regulatory risks associated with deals. 

View on demand

For more information, please email Danielle Piro.

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