2024 ACG NEXT Conference
1600 Capital One Drive
McLean, VA 22102
Event summary
Cooley is a proud sponsor of the 2024 Association for Corporate Growth (ACG) NEXT Conference. We explored how artificial intelligence and machine learning are automating, enhancing and shaping the solutions of tomorrow across the space, signals intelligence/electronic warfare and unmanned systems sectors. The development and growth of these markets are leading to strategic and financial-sponsored M&A, which adds “fuel to the fire,” further energizing the ecosystem.
Keynote addresses and panel discussions from former government leaders, titans of industry and professional investors explored how companies and investors can develop technologies and advance solutions to address emerging threats and global adversaries while ensuring that the US maintains a strategic advantage.
Featured agenda item
12:40 – 1:25 pm EST
Funding and Shaping Solutions
- Aaron Binstock (moderator) – Partner at Cooley
- Sha-Chelle Manning – Chief of commercial strategy at DARPA
- Carolyne Pelton – President, national capital region, at Pinnacle Financial Partners
- Bryce Petty – Founder and CEO at Velocity Black
- Mark Spoto – Founder and managing partner at Razor’s Edge Ventures
For more information, please email Anya Kielbik.
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