PLI’s Fundamentals of Privacy Law 2023
(Entrance on 45th Street)
New York, NY 10036
Event summary
It used to be that only “death and taxes” were inevitable, but for attorneys these days add “privacy” to that list. This Practising Law Institute (PLI) program provided general practitioners, litigators, corporate counsel and transactional attorneys a solid grounding in how privacy rules intersect with other practice areas. It also introduced the basics of security obligations for personal information and regulatory enforcement. At the conclusion of this fundamentals course, attendees know where to start when a client asks that privacy law question, recognize when privacy impacts a transaction and understand how personal identifiable information (PII) definitions vary around the world.
Featured agenda item
December 13, 2023 | 2:30 – 3:30 pm EST
Vendor Security and Information Security Program Basics
Cooley cyber/data/privacy special counsel Randy Sabett presented with Robert Metzger, shareholder at Rogers Joseph O’Donnell, and panel leader Peter McLaughlin, partner at Armstrong Teasdale.
Privacy cannot be effectively protected without a strong foundation in security. Information security law is fundamental to understanding the obligations and requirements surrounding the confidentiality, integrity and availability of personal information. At the same time, every organization will have vendors and suppliers providing services and supporting its operations. How should an organization approach data security within its network and among its multitude of vendors? After completing this session, participants are able to:
- Recall the legal and regulatory basis of data security.
- Identify specific contracting issues for security in the cloud and where responsibilities may overlap.
- Understand the basics of contracting and legal agreements with third parties.
- Understand the differences in certifications and auditing for vendors.
- Restate data security workplace policies.
- Better understand how to handle a data security breach.
For more information, please email Amanda Meier.
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