First Monday in October
30th Annual Gala & Mock Supreme Court Argument
New York, NY 10036
Event summary
Cooley is proud to sponsor the First Monday in October 30th Annual Gala & Mock Supreme Court Argument, hosted by the Office of the Appellate Defender (OAD). This annual fundraising event featured a mock US Supreme Court argument, followed by an awards ceremony at which the Gould Award for Outstanding Advocacy was presented to two of the most highly regarded advocates in the nation. The OAD Counsel for Justice Award also is presented each year to a prominent in-house counsel who exemplifies OAD’s commitment to justice.
This year, Cooley partner Russell Capone sat on the bench for the mock Supreme Court trial, in a case that asked whether federal law prohibits the possession of firearms by persons subject to domestic violence restraining orders under the Second Amendment.
OAD is a nonprofit law firm and one of New York’s oldest providers of legal representation for people who cannot afford an attorney on appeal. Since its founding in 1988, OAD’s core mission is to ensure full and equal access to justice by providing high-quality, client-centered representation throughout the appellate process.
For more information, please email Amanda Meier.
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