On demand

Cooley Rx series

Life Sciences Litigation: Learnings from 40 Years of Litigation Under the Hatch-Waxman Act

September 26, 2023
Event details
September 26, 2023
12:00 – 1:00 pm Pacific Standard Time

Event summary

Cooley Rx is a virtual series focused on the life sciences and healthcare sectors. Join us as we discuss the top issues and trends in these industries – and provide decision-makers with information they can use to strengthen their organizations.

Life Sciences Litigation: Learnings from 40 Years of Litigation Under the Hatch-Waxman Act

We are approaching the 40-year anniversary of the Hatch-Waxman Act – the comprehensive legal framework governing pharmaceutical industry innovation, patent terms and price competition. Please join members of Cooley’s life sciences litigation team as they explore the origins and application of the act, as well as where the law is headed as it turns 40. This program is designed for in-house lawyers and pharmaceutical industry executives who are new to the act, along with those who have been working with it for some time.

View on demand

For more information, email Megan Senerchia.

Cooley Rx programming on demand

For more information related to Cooley Rx programming, please email Kelsey O'Connell.

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