
Virtual Fireside Chat With Cellphone Inventor Martin Cooper and Entrepreneur Arlene Harris

July 13, 2023
Event details
July 13, 2023
2:00 – 3:00 pm Eastern Standard Time

Event summary

Attendees joined us for a virtual fireside chat with Martin Cooper, the legendary inventor of the cellphone, and former Federal Communications Commission Commissioner Robert McDowell, Cooley partner and co-chair of the global communications practice. They were joined by policy advocate, inventor, investor, entrepreneur in the telecommunications industry and Cooper’s wife – Arlene Harris.

2023 marks the 50th anniversary of the first public cellphone call made by Cooper on Sixth Avenue in New York City. Cooper is a legend and pioneer in the wireless communications industry, garnering 11 patents in the field and receiving numerous awards across the globe, including the Marconi Prize. Cooper is co-founder of several communications companies with his wife and business partner, who is also widely recognized as a pioneer, innovator and disruptor in the wireless space. In 2007, Harris became the first woman inductee into the Wireless Hall of Fame. Our riveting conversation will cover their lives as entrepreneurs and their vision for the future. 

For more information, please email Rebecca Lanz.

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