FDI Control Forum
75007 Paris
Event summary
The FDI Control Forum, organized by ESCP Business School and Fusions & Acquisitions Magazine, is the first of its kind to be held in France. Regulatory experts, parliamentary members, and highly skilled professionals from France, Germany, the European Union, the UK and the US discussed the latest trends and developments. The forum was an excellent opportunity to engage with regulators, legislators and academics who provided their views and insights on the intricacies of foreign direct investment control and likely trends for the future across multiple sectors.
Featured agenda item
Thursday, June 22, 2023 | 10:45 – 11:45 am CET
Workshop 2: FDI Screening of Tech Sector Deals: A Regime Fit for Purpose?
Cooley special counsel Christine Graham spoke on this panel, which discussed the latest developments and impacts of foreign direct investment control on M&A deals in the tech sector.
For more information, please email Yena Lee.
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