Alternative Data – Data Monetization and Risk Mitigation
Event summary
With the proliferation of big data analytics, and now sophisticated artificial intelligence, organizations of all stripes are increasingly looking to leverage and monetize the volumes of data they store and process on a daily basis. The demand for “alternative data” is skyrocketing – it can be leveraged by funds (private equity, hedge funds, etc.), stock traders and investors/venture capitalists to obtain unique insights into a company’s – or a market’s – current and future performance that may not be reflected in traditional financial statements. However, building, transferring and utilizing alternative data assets also comes with potentially serious legal risks.
This webinar provides an overview of alternative data, the alt-data ecosystem and its stakeholders. We highlight the legal risks that come with building and using alt-data, including securities regulatory risks, privacy and intellectual property law. Finally, we present a road map for alt-data stakeholders to conduct due diligence, manage their risks and develop a successful and balanced alt-data strategy.
- Ryan Blair – Partner, Securities Litigation (San Diego)
- Nicolas Dumont – Partner, Public Companies (New York)
- Michael Egan – Partner, cyber/data/privacy (Washington, DC)
- David Navetta – Partner, cyber/data/privacy (Colorado)
For more information, please email Jonathan Tsang.
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