GCR Live: Foreign Investment Control 2022
Event summary
Cooley was a proud sponsor of this year's GCR Live Foreign Investment Control, a unique opportunity to hear from expert insiders that bring worldwide experience to pinpoint the critical issues for future deals.
Cooley partner Jonas Koponen was a co-chair of this event.
Featured agenda items
Tuesday, December 6 | 10:40-11:50 GMT
National security and national interest in cyberspace
Cooley partner Christopher Kimball spoke at this panel.
Data fuels swaths of the global economy and influences ever broader aspects of societies. Diverging views on the nature of foreign investment risks create potential for deal-disruption in different parts of the world. What are the pressure points for infrastructure assets such as datacenters? Which types of service providers come in the cross-hairs of reviews? And what are the implications of cross-jurisdictional demands for data localization, or a shift from data protection to data protectionism?
For more information, please email Yena Lee.
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