Intellectual Property and Litigation
13th Summit on Biosimilars & Innovator Biologics
Event summary
The 13th Summit on Biosimilars & Innovator Biologics will discuss hot industry topics, including the rules governing significant matters like interchangeability, substitution and equivalency. Speakers will include representatives of government agencies, industry leaders and seasoned counsel.
For more information, please email Maria Russo.
Featured agenda item
Balancing Innovation and Competition: Patent Thickets, Continued Litigation and New Economic Considerations for Settlements
Wednesday, June 29, 2022: 10:30 – 11:30 am ET
Cooley partner Orion Armon is a featured speaker.
Antitrust enforcement is routinely triggered via the approval of a biosimilar. Many believe that anti-competitive behavior exhibited by reference products represents the most formidable barrier to entry. In response, FDA and FTC recently issued a joint statement regarding a collaboration to advance competition in the biologic marketplace. Complicating matters further, several states have enacted laws meant to curb reverse-payment patent settlements – with no comparable statute at the federal level. This session will consider the economic implications of biosimilar reverse payment litigation, the competitive effects and economic damages.
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