ALM General Counsel Conference Midwest
Event summary
For over 20 years, General Counsel Conference Midwest (formerly SuperConference) has been the premier event in the industry by delivering key insights and practical solutions that today's general counsel need to manage and better leverage C-Suite relationships, successfully overcome a litigation crisis, do more with fewer resources and much more.
General Counsel Conference Midwest draws a senior level audience of in-house counsel from multinational companies in the US. While the event is focused toward general counsel, given the issues and nature of the content, it also draws participation from other senior members of the legal department as well as non-legal C-Suite executives and law firm senior partners.
Featured agenda items
Tuesday, June 14, 2022: 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM CT
Preparing for Evolving Litigation Trends You Need to Know Now
Cooley lawyer Bobby Earles is a featured speaker.
Attend this session to learn what’s trending in litigation and hear our legal experts as they discuss the status of investigations, enforcement and litigation. Each legal department approaches litigation differently, but join this session as our experts identify key strategies and tools to help stay ahead.
Wednesday, June 15, 2022: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CT
The New M&A World: Spearheading Strategic Growth & Protecting Against Emerging Risk
Cooley lawyer Erin Kirchner is a featured speaker.
In house counsel plays a crucial role in modern business operations, especially in uncertain times. When considering opportunities for mergers or acquisitions in this risky market, the GC should be ready to take the lead on strategy and planning in order for success. This session will teach you how to protect your company against potential risks involved in M&A.
For more information, please email Jonathan Knisley.
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