AIRA 38th Annual Bankruptcy & Restructuring Conference
Event summary
AIRA’s AC22 is a four-day in-depth education program focused on the latest developments and trends in Bankruptcy and Restructuring.
In addition to its educational program, AC22 offers a dynamic context to enjoy other benefits of the conference and its setting. Participants can connect with peers and make new contacts during the many networking opportunities and four optional excursions that will showcase the best of Cleveland.
For more information, please email Caitlin Webster.
Featured agenda item
Cutting Edge Issues in Recent Complex Confirmation Disputes
Thursday, June 9: 11:00 am – 12:00 pm ET
Cooley partner Cullen Speckhart s a featured speaker.
The panel of thought leaders will survey disputed chapter 11 confirmation issues arising in recent mega cases, including Valaris, J.Crew, 24 Hour Fitness, Mallinckrodt and LTL around unique contested plan confirmation issues relating to valuation, horizontal gifting and DIP to exit financings.
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