Spotlight on the new UK national security screening regime
Panel Discussion on the UK NSI Act
Event summary
The UK National Security and Investment Act (NSI Act) came fully into force on 4 January 2022. For the first time, it introduces a standalone investment screening regime in the UK with a new mandatory filing for transactions that fall within the scope of certain regulations. It also grants the UK Government extensive powers to investigate a wide range of transactions (including asset transactions) on national security grounds.
We are delighted to be joined by Lord Callanan, the Business Minister responsible for the implementation of the NSI Act, to discuss the new regime and its implications for businesses.
- Lord Callanan – Parliamentary Under Secretary of State – Minister for Business, Energy and Corporate Responsibility
- Deputy Director, Investment Security Unit
- Craig Melson – Associate Director, techUK
- Dillon Martinson – Special Counsel, Cooley
- Christine Graham – Moderator – Special Counsel, Cooley
- Juan Nascimbene – Moderator – Associate, Cooley
For more information, please email Ruth Taylor.
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