Deal-Makers: Trends for VC Investing in 2022
Event summary
2:30 – 3:00 pm CST
1:30 – 2:00 pm MST
12:30 – 1:00 pm PST
In partnership with Cooley, Axios Pro Rata writers Dan Primack and Kia Kokalitcheva will host a series of quarterly virtual events featuring business founders, C-suite executives and leaders in venture capital and private equity.
Don’t miss the first installment of this 4-part series which will dig into the trends shaping the market for venture capital in 2022. In conversation with Peter Werner, this session will zero in on the outlook for VC investing in 2022 after a record-breaking year, consider which emerging industries are poised to make waves in the field and examine whether the public listing frenzy is here to stay.
Stay tuned for additional installments of the series, which will feature a lineup of thought leaders from Cooley and the broader VC ecosystem discussing the latest deal-making topics and trends.
Peter Werner – Partner and Co-Chair of Global Emerging Companies & Venture Capital Practice Group, Cooley
Dawn Lippert – CEO, Elemental Excelerator, Founding Partner, Earthshot Ventures
Amy Wu – Head of Ventures & Gaming, FTX
Event details and registration
For more information, please email Zoe Collins.
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