
NACD Summit 2021

October 4 – 8, 2021
Event details
October 4 – 8, 2021
12:00 – 12:00 am Pacific Standard Time

Event summary

For more than 30 years, thousands of directors from across the globe have gathered at the annual NACD Summit to learn, be inspired and connect with their peers. The NACD Summit is where the greatest minds in corporate governance convene to take on the critical issues facing boardrooms today, collectively shaping the future of exemplary board leadership.

The virtual summit will feature content that has been carefully curated to focus on the hot-topic issues that will directly impact companies and their directors. Other program features will include focus forums, Q&A panel discussions, networking opportunities and on-demand access to exclusive programming during and after the event.

Details and registration

Featured agenda item

Friday, October 8, 2021: 7:00 – 8:15 am PDT

Ask the Experts: Board Oversight of Internal Investigations

Cooley partner John Hemann is a featured speaker.
  • When boards learn of alleged improprieties within a company, whether it is a possible fraud, a rumored scandal or some other violation of laws or code of ethics, they may decide to order an internal investigation. This panel discussion will guide boards in determining when an investigation is necessary, who should conduct it, how it should be conducted and exactly what the board's role will be during the process. Subtopics include balancing transparency and privacy and recent "me too" and "bias" legal trends.

For more information, please email Deborah Argueta.


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