Regulatory Developments in Medical Devices: Your Questions Answered
Event summary
8:15 – 9:15 am PDT
11:15 am – 12:15 pm EDT
4:15 – 5:15 pm BST
Across the European Union, United Kingdom and China, significant changes to the existing medical device regulatory landscape are underway or fast approaching. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and new regulations in the EU and Asia, and Brexit in the UK, many manufacturers have questions about the implications of recent and forthcoming changes. Cooley lawyers Elisabethann Wright and Edward Turtle will speak at this event.
- How to comply with the EU Medical Device Regulation
- How to prepare for the EU In Vitro Diagnostic Regulation being implemented in May 2022
- The continuing implications following Brexit
- The EU’s new Directive on Representative Actions and its increase of risks for businesses
- How the China State Council Order 739 affects medical device registration and approval
For more information, please email Deborah Argueta.
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