WEBINAR CLE Speaker Series – Practice Competently – Calm Your Brain, Regain Your Focus
Event summary
10:00 – 11:00 am PST
1:00 – 2:00 pm EST
6:00 – 7:00 pm GMT
The CLE Speaker Series is a program for in-house and general counsel focused on a variety of newsworthy business and litigation legal developments. Specialty credits in the area of competence issues will be offered for this session.
Most of us were already managing stress but how has that stress changed given the uncertainties posed by COVID-19 and in light of our new work environment? How is the threat response triggered by these changes impacting lawyers’ abilities to practice competently, and what responsibilities under the Model Rules should we be reminded of during these times? If stress is the brain's way of asking us to pay attention, can we use that stress to regain our focus on advising our clients and to anticipate future challenges?
In this seminar, you will learn to identify maladaptive strategies to stress and adopt techniques to calm the mind, ensuring you have the skill and mental and emotional ability to effectively serve your clients as they face a range uncertainty and new challenges.
Participants will learn about stress as a natural threat response, how that response may be maladaptive in a knowledge economy, and how to change your mindset in order to thrive and practice competently. Resources to help lawyers recognize the signs of potential mental health issues and seek help will also be discussed.
Presented by Cooley lawyer Michelle Galloway.
This is an invitation-only event, and there is no charge to attend. Please email Heather Slavey to request an invitation. For more information on the program series, please email Kyle Kraynick.
Cooley LLP is a MCLE approved activity provider by the State Bar of California, and the anticipated CLE credit is 1.0 hour Competence Issues credit.
Cooley LLP has been certified by the New York State Continuing Legal Education Board as an Accredited Provider of continuing legal education. This program content is suitable for transitional and non-transitional attorneys. Applicable credit will be available upon request.
Credit in additional jurisdictions may be available upon request.
CLE Speaker Series Programming
- December 8 – Special Credits Day
- December 10 – Recent Developments and Current Trends in Trademark Law
- December 15 – Data Security and Privacy Legal Outlook In 2021
- December 17 – M&A Dealmakers Roundtable – Key Trends + Legal Updates
- January 7 – Practice Competently – Calm Your Brain, Regain Your Focus
- January 12 – What Every In-House Counsel Should Know About Insurance
- January 14 – Diversity and Inclusive Legal Practice – Getting It Right in 2021
- January 19 – Looking Ahead – What to Expect in Employment Law in 2021
- January 21 – Legal Ethics – What You Need to Know for 2021
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