Previously Recorded
Global Words of Wisdom – Employees Working From Anywhere
Event summary
The advancement and advantages of technology and connectivity coupled with a global pandemic has shown many employers a shift to a remote workforce. Employees are choosing to work from locations outside the country they were hired, choosing to return to their country of origin to be with family or live somewhere more affordable.
With bold claims in the headlines about tech companies allowing their workforce to be 100% remote, the flexibility and freedom that comes with location independence can be deeply appealing to employees.
Global Words of Wisdom will be presented in a two part series. The second part is planned for January 2021, the date is still to be announced and will discuss the new normal for international assignees between the US and UK, looking at topics such as accommodation, relocation and immigration.
Topics include
- Considerations which may be overlooked when employees are working from anywhere
- Remote working versus working from home
- The latest approach to building a scalable and practical remote work policy
- What’s ahead for flexible work locations and compliance
- Joshua Mates – Partner, Cooley
- Maya Mancuso – US Business Relationships Manager, Bird&Bird
- Kiki Stannard – Tax Partner, Fitzgerald and Law
- Lis Morris – Senior Tax Manager, Global Mobility Tax
For more information, please email Laura Miller.
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