Big Data and Competition Law
Event summary
As the European Commission and other competition authorities around the world gain momentum in formulating their policies on this complex area of competition law, the Informa Big Data and Competition Law conference will ensure that you understand their proposals, consider their practical implications and ensure that your views are part of the discussion.
Featured agenda items
Regulating the Digital Sphere
9:25 – 10:15 am GMT
Cooley partner Alexander Israel is a featured speaker.
Topics include
- Amending German Competition Act: what are the proposals?
- What lessons can be learnt from Germany for competition law across Europe
- CMA’s Digital Taskforce and its work on regulation in digital markets
- Transatlantic developments
- A look to Australia
Data Protection & Competition Law
3:00 – 3:40 pm GMT
Cooley partner Patrick Van Eecke is a featured speaker.
Topics include
- The interplay between data protection and competition law
- Is there tension between the demands of data protection and competition law?
- Data sharing as a remedy vs data protection
- Implications of GDPR for competition law investigations: surrender of private information in leniency applications
- Global competition law investigations: taking data outside the EU
- Ownership of non-personal data: mixing ownership and intellectual property
- Can data protection and competition law demand reconcile?
For more information or to inquire about complimentary registration for the conference, please email Rebecca Lanz.
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