Recorded webinar
Loans and Other Financial Assistance Under the Coronavirus Economic Stabilization Act of 2020 (CESA)
Event summary
If you are interested in receiving a copy of the presentation, please email Jodie Richards.
Under the Coronavirus Economic Stabilization Act of 2020 (CESA), Treasury has made available $500 billion in loans and other financial assistance to eligible businesses. Cooley lawyers will examine the key issues for businesses seeking loans under CESA. Attendees will be given practical advice on the procedures, requirements and future implications for CESA participants.
Topics include
- Eligibility requirements
- Conditions and restrictions imposed under CESA
- Implications for owners and other affiliates
- Expected financing terms
- Special issues raised from potential government ownership of equity
- Process and procedure guidelines
- Lessons learned from Troubled Asset Relief Program
- Patrick Flanagan – Partner, Cooley
- Ron Hopkinson – Partner, Cooley
- Mike Lincoln – Business Department Chair, Cooley
- David Silverman – Partner, Cooley
- McLean Crichton – Associate, Cooley
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