Tel Aviv University Health Care Technological Innovation
Event summary
Cooley is a sponsor of Tel Aviv University's 13th annual event, “Health Care Technological Innovation – From Idea to Commercialization.” This event, for Israeli life sciences and medical device startups, is co-presented by The School of Management at Tel Aviv University and Lahav Executive Education.
Featured agenda item
Monday, December 9, 2019
3:40 pm: Session 12 – Intellectual Capital Management
Cooley special counsel Brian Hopkins is leading this session
The goal of the session is to provide information and insight into the specific issues confronting investigators, entrepreneurs, investors and their patent attorneys. The session will address the formation of specific IP strategy and execution and using intellectual capital for competitive advantage. Content includes major issues confronting companies with US and filings in other jurisdictions related to biotechnology, e.g., patent ownership, non-obviousness rulings, the scope of what can be patented. A VC will also provide an investor viewpoint.
For more information, please email Seema Desai.
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