Antitrust and High-Tech in the Spotlight: What Does it All Mean?
Event summary
Antitrust has become a political hot topic, entering the public consciousness unlike has been seen in decades, both in the U.S. and globally. In this briefing, antitrust experts, Howard Morse and Megan Browdie will discuss antitrust enforcement in this political election climate.
Topics will include:
- Overview of the political environment, including investigations by Congressional committees, the DOJ, and the FTC’s “Tech Task Force”
- High profile recent enforcement actions by the DOJ and FTC
- Big data and the intersection of privacy and competition law
- Two-sided markets after the Supreme Court’s Amex decision
- Splits in enforcement between the DOJ and FTC?
- Splits in enforcement within the FTC?
For more information, please email Rebecca Lanz.
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