Global Privacy Summit 2019
Event summary
Active Learning: Wednesday, May 1, 4:30 – 5:30 pm
While not setting up a European-style data protection authority, the CCPA empowers the California attorney general to enforce privacy rights and obligations through sanctions and rulemaking authority. At the same time, it creates a private cause of action for harms suffered in a security breach and offers statutory damages and opportunities for consumer class actions. In this session, be in the know as consumer advocates and those with deep experience working with the prospective enforcement talk challenges and opportunities for the government, businesses and individuals.
Cooley partner Andy Roth will speak on Product Counseling: Privacy in the Product Development Process during the summit.
Friday, May 3, 3:00 – 4:00 pm
Previously a challenge reserved mainly for tech companies, privacy risks have now permeated into products across all industries as use of big data has become ubiquitous. Privacy professionals are now being asked to collaborate more closely with business and technical teams throughout the product development process. But how do you walk the line between effectively mitigating risk for your company while not stifling innovation? This session will provide practical guidance on how to successfully integrate yourself into the product development process at companies big and small, find creative ways to add value, and counsel teams on how to build privacy into products from step one.
Event details and registration
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