The Tipping Point? Data Privacy & Security 2.0
Event summary
The Tipping Point? Data Privacy and Security 2.0
Assessing and Addressing the New Data Security and Privacy Regulatory and Litigation Environment.
GDPR. CCPA. HIPAA. COPPA. PIPEDA. The alphabet soup of data privacy regulations continues to grow around the world. With dire data security and privacy headlines hitting the front pages on practically a daily basis, some fear that key business models and companies’ ability to work with personal information is at risk. Privacy and data security are now threshold issues and potential barriers to entry for new products and services. As such, compliance with data privacy and cybersecurity regulations has become a predominant issue for corporate legal executives. GCs and CLOs are making company critical decisions when it comes to compliance, and those decisions must come earlier and in the context of product, service and business model design. What’s at stake? The ability to do business, substantial fines, regulatory actions and unprecedented litigation.
This CLE will explore the current privacy and security risk environment, the overlapping (and sometimes contradictory) data security and privacy requirements companies face, and the need for enhanced and mature governances processes to manage risk. The speakers will provide practical guidance and real-world insights from in-house counsel and industry experts on how to effectively comply with the new wave data privacy regulations and manage regulatory and legal risk.
CLE Information
One CLE general credit (Pending Approval)
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