Antitrust in 2019: Trends and Developments to Watch
Event summary
Antitrust has become a political hot topic, entering the public consciousness unlike has been seen in decades, both in the US and globally. This trend, along with several pending enforcement actions, means that 2019 is set to be yet another blockbuster year for antitrust and competition enforcement.
In this Briefing, Howard Morse and Megan Browdie will preview what you need to know, including:
- Current political climate of antitrust enforcement: the arguments and implications
- The DOJ’s appeal of the district court’s refusal to block the AT&T-Time Warner merger and consequences for future enforcement
- Implications of the Supreme Court’s Amex decision on two-sided markets
- The implications of Brexit on competition law enforcement in the EU
- DOJ and FTC talk of changes to the analytical framework for assessing patent licensing commitments to standard setting organizations
- Worldwide trends in merger reporting requirements, including significant changes in Germany and Austria
- The FTC’s Hearings on Competition and Consumer Protection in the 21st Century and why they matter
Event details
Access to presentation: 2019 Antitrust Trends for PLI
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