Privacy Forum: Ok, GDPR is Out Of The Way, Now What? The Cybersecurity And Privacy Year-In-Review For 2018
Event summary
If your portfolio had anything to do with privacy or security this past year, you likely had May 25, 2018 seared into your memory since it was the day GDPR went “live.” Despite the attention it received, there were many other critical issues in 2018. During this interactive session, we will review the highlights of the past year (including GDPR) and talk about how those events will affect lawyers next year, as well as what else might be on the horizon, such as:
- Privacy by design: yes, it really can work for you
- Testing your cybersecurity maturity (think vulnerability scanning and pen tests)
- Organizational governance (relationships between GCs, outside counsel, Chief Privacy Officers (CPOs), and Chief Security Officers (CSOs))
- How to achieve reasonable privacy in the cloud
- Dealing with insider threats (i.e. BYOD, phishing (including the dreaded ‘business email compromise’, social media, and intentional attacks))
- Handling privacy and security when resources are out of your control
- What is personal data and how much of it do I really have?
- The legislative landscape…and where things might be headed
- What/when/where/why/how to talk to law enforcement about privacy and security (with an invited FBI special agent from the Washington Field Office)
(2.0 hours of Virginia Bar MCLE credit pending.)
Featured speakers
- Randy Sabett, Special Counsel, Cooley LLP
- Kristin Grimes, Corporate Counsel, Security and Cyber, Leidos
- Michael Miller, Special Agent, Washington Field Office, Federal Bureau of Investigation
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