2018 Berkeley-Stanford Advanced Patent Law Institute
Event summary
The APLI offers a results-oriented, in-depth look at the latest developments in patent law and practice. Co-organized by the Berkeley Center for Law & Technology and Stanford Law School, it presents an expert faculty of judges, academics, litigators, patent prosecutors and senior IP counsel from major corporations.
Panels at this conference will cover the full range of patent law issues, including the impact of recent Supreme Court decisions, patentable subject matter, damages, venue, claim construction, PTAB strategy and much more.
Event details and registration
Featured agenda item
Friday, December 7
3:45 pm: IPRs: Coordination & Estoppel
Cooley partner Heidi Keefe is a featured speaker.
In the wake of recent legal and policy developments, coordination between parallel district court and PTAB proceedings has never been more important. The panel will explore the use of district court proceedings at the PTAB, the use of PTAB proceedings in district court, the challenges that parallel proceedings pose for claim construction and the latest developments in the evolving law of estoppel.
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