Yes, But . . . Asserting Affirmative Defenses in Merger Litigation
Event summary
Cooley lawyer Megan Browdie will moderate the panel presentation.
Recent merger trials have focused on affirmative defenses such as failing firm, efficiencies and entry. What is the state of the law and common threads between the cases? What are the strategic concerns with asserting these defenses? A panel of three thought-leaders, each with a unique perspective, will tackle these issues and more in this engaging panel. In addition to a discussion of the key case law, the panelists will call upon their practical experience to explore what it all means for the future of affirmative merger defenses.
Moderated by Megan Browdie – Cooley
PresentersStacy Frazier – General Electric
Elaine Ewing – Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton
Dominic Vote – Federal Trade Commission
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