19th Annual Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Compliance Congress
Event summary
Cooley is sponsoring the 19th Annual Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Compliance Congress. Pharmaceutical Compliance Forum (PCF) is a coalition of senior compliance professionals and legal counsel from 50+ of the largest research-based pharmaceutical manufacturers.
Event details and registration >
Enter code "Grantor" for discounted rate on webcast and onsite attendance.
Featured agenda items
Day 2 – Thursday, November 8, 2018
11:00 am: Mini Summit VI: Advanced Strategies to Measure Effectiveness, Monitor and Report on Compliance Programs
Cooley partner Wendy Goldstein is a featured speaker.
Day 2 – Thursday, November 8, 2018
12:15 pm: Mini Summit IX: Interactions with Specialty Pharmacy
Cooley partner Sarah diFrancesca is a featured speaker.
Day 2 – Thursday, November 8, 2018
2:45 pm: Mini Summit XXIII: Compliance Considerations in Value-based Contracting
Cooley partner Wendy Goldstein is a featured speaker.
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